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What is a video pitch and how does it differ from an offline pitch?

A video pitch is a recording of your presentation, including both the speaker window and pitch deck slides. In recent years, the demand for pitch videos in the startup industry has increased significantly, with over 30% of European acceleration programs requiring startups to provide a video as part of their application, according to F6S. Major global accelerators such as Y Combinator, Techstars, Angelpad, and Alchemist also require a video as part of their application process.

There are several key differences between online and offline pitches. To create an effective pitch video, it's important to consider these differences.

Screen size: The computer screen size is much smaller than the screen used in an offline pitch. As a result, it's crucial to ensure that any text on your slides is at least 14px to make it easily readable.

Audience gaze control: In an online presentation, you can't direct the audience's attention as easily as in an offline presentation. Therefore, your pitch should have fewer elements per slide and a simpler order of placement for elements such as text, icons, and pictures.

Facial display restriction: On a computer screen, the display of your face and body is limited, which means that your facial expressions and gestures have less impact. Your voice and tone become more important in conveying your message effectively.

Time control: Online audiences are more easily distracted than offline audiences, making it more challenging to hold their attention. Therefore, it's essential to keep your pitch within the allotted time.

Transferring your pitch from offline to online may require changes in your pitch deck design and presentation tactics. If you're interested in watching other startup pitch videos, you can find them on our platform.

Are you ready to record your pitch video? Sign up for free on SAMI VIDEO PITCH to create your video pitch.

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